Wednesday, 31 March 2010

the legacy

between eternity and time lies the conciousness of u and me..

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


i ran with the dead today,
through the cemeteries where ghosts still play,
the more i ran,the more love got further away..

Monday, 29 March 2010

laiki apaitisi:"bring Morrow back"

epd den eimaste twra gia varugdoupa posts tou styl "telos epoxis", "goodbye" ktl apla 8a pw ekei sto coaching stuff twn Golden State Warriors na sovareutoun k na gurisoun pisw stin arxiki 5ada tis omadas to poulen tou blog mas Anthony Morrow alliws 8a trwne ka8e mera apo auto to blog perissotero kra3imo k ap'oso trwei i britney spears apto blog tou Perez Hilton!

i mean an den paizei allo o Morrow 8a einai telos epoxis gia touto to blog dioti ftiaxtike san stiri3i tis sugkekrimenis omadas alla xwris ton Morrow dn mas endiaferei kiolas i sugkekrimeni omada!

Warriors without Morrow are even more boring than a Sunday morning at Church!

steilte auton ton klooun kai trakterovlaxo Reggie Williams pisw sto D-League k 3anavalte to poulen mas stin omada!

Friday, 26 March 2010

t-shirt of the month

gia na min sas pw kai olou tou summer..

Monday, 22 March 2010

a blast from the past!!!!

this is the initial reason that we(in this blog) became fans of the Golden State Warriors!

O arxigos dld tis pio 8eamtikis omadas olwn twn epoxwn Chris Mullin(f0to)!

8umamai pou otan oloi eixan arxisei na asxolountai stin ellada me to NBA logw tou foverou kai tromerou didumou twn Chicago Bulls(Jordan-Pippen) emas edw sto blog mas eixe entupwsiasei ena allo fovero k tromero didumo ekeinis tis epoxis pou den kerdize titlous alla sigoura epaize poli pio epi8etiko kai high-scoring basketball!

Diladi to didumo Chris Mullin-Tim Hardaway!

Kati to fovero tous paixnidi kati oi entupwsiakes tous mple stoles me ta xrusa grammata(allwste to name tis omadas einai "golden" pou sumvolizei tin California/the golden state) kai etsi eipame na afisoume tous Jordan kai Pippen gia tous laikoures kai tin plempa!

emeis eimaste Golden State Warriors baby and we RULE!!!!

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

gadjet of the month!!

lol fovera ipod-ixeia me tin morfi vagoniou sto metro tis Neas Yorkis stin dekaetia tou 1980!!!! Dioti twra upoti8etai exoun sovareutei k ta svinoun ta graffities apto Metro..

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

katarameno FileDen :@ :@ :@

kala telika to g***tai asustola!!!

ekei ekana upload tis fotos tou blog k twra xwris kamia eidopoihsh lene oti xalase o server tous k xa8ikan ola ta arxeia se ekatontades accounts :@

k kala edw pou ta leme, ola ta alla blogs pou stirizontousan se autous gia ton peo itan etsi kai alliws, alla g@misan omws k to diko mou blog pou ta spaei like totally k twra xa8ikan oles oi fotos e3'aitias autwn twn tzompanidwn ekei pera!!! :@


Thursday, 11 March 2010

funny video of the week

LoL! This guy on the video is hilarious!!!

episis skeftomai na gurisw pisw stin new york vlepontas ola ta diaforetika Pringles pou exoun ekei!!!



Wednesday, 10 March 2010

gaga foto of the week not quite sure from which concert was this taken but does even matter???

Sunday, 7 March 2010

quote of the week

"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"..(Albert Ainstein)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

video of the week

poli dunato "ergaleio" (agnwstwn loipwn stoixeiwn) pou anakalupsa vlepontas ton 8emo!!!




post update:molis ema8a apo tous sunergates tou blog oti itan sto x-factor k einai lemesiani!!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


OMG tin perimena xronia tin stigmi pou i Nike 8a evgaze mia "retro-version" twn air-nike pou forage sta late 90s o Stojiakovic otan "karfwse" ton gavro mesa sto Sef!

ta eixa agorasei san pitsirikas k ennoeitai oti einai axasta gia another buy kai twra!!!!