Monday, 27 December 2010


lol elpizw na eixe kai tous goneis tis sto facebook

Friday, 22 October 2010


eure8ei o katw8i skulos eχwntas sto kolaro tou tin epigrafi:"property of Linsday Lohan pls return back!!!!"

opoios gnwrizei kati parakaleite na enimerwsei to plisiestero kentro apoto3inwsis..

gatos gigantiaia-katastrofi.. :s

what a dumb cat..

what a dumbass..

Saturday, 16 October 2010

poli "lol" situation!!!!! [part 2]

ermm that didnt go so well i guess..







Thursday, 14 October 2010

poli "lol" situation!!!!

apla respect..







Wednesday, 13 October 2010

My first attempt on making a short-film.. :)

3erei mipws na mou pei kaneis an prolavainw tin imeronia sumetoxis stis Kannes?

Watch athkiaseros productions in People & Blogs  |  View More Free Videos Online at

ps:kai ta Oscar kala einai vevaia alla dn mporw na perimenw ws tote..

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Sunday, 3 October 2010


song dedicated se olous emas pou fagame blog sto msn xwris na ftaime se tpt

Saturday, 2 October 2010

errr..pali kala pou to katalavan!! axaxaxaxaxa!!!!!

"thats not gonna get as a ride, man"


Friday, 1 October 2010


it was about time..den tin paleuw allo!!!!!

5 mines wi8out basketball are waaaay t00 much!!!!!!

kai gia na men 3exniomaste fetos stirizoume:

1) tin kainourgia omada tou poulen tou blog mas (NJ Nets)

2) kai tous kainourgious GSW (logw suni8eias alla k tis kaluteris politeias tis amerikis pou ekproswpoun-California! :p)

Friday, 10 September 2010

Guess what!

"Θυμάμαι τον Παράκελσο, που από τις πολλές περιπλανήσεις και τις διώξεις και τους χλευασμούς και τις δυσκολίες, έχασε το βροντερό γέλιο του, δεν είχε κανέναν φίλο, και μια ιστορία λέει ότι επειδή δεν είχε κανέναν για να του μιλήσει, είχε αρχίσει να συνομιλεί με τη σκιά του.. ..Σε κάποια από τις σελίδες του έργου του που σώθηκε, γράφει: «Ο άνθρωπος δεν είναι το σώμα. Η καρδιά, το πνεύμα, είναι άνθρωπος. Κι αυτό το πνεύμα είναι ένα ολόκληρο άστρο, από το οποίο είναι φτιαγμένος. Το άστρο αυτό ταξιδεύει μέσα στο σύμπαν. Δεν ξέρουμε από πού έρχεται και πού πηγαίνει. Αλλά αν ο άνθρωπος είναι τέλειος στην καρδιά του τότε τίποτε σε ολόκληρο το φως της φύσεως δεν μπορεί να του είναι κρυφό."


Thursday, 2 September 2010


"i fought over buildings, over farm lands, over countries,

I had lost love, forever,

unTil the day when we met each other.."

Friday, 30 July 2010

Quotes Special!

A short list of quotes i liked lately..

-"κάθε άνθρωπος θα έπρεπε να προγραματίζει την ζωή του με τέτοιον τρόπο ώστε κάποια στιγμή η πραγματικότητα με το όνειρο να συναντηθούν" Victor Hugo

-"den 8a stamatisoume pote na e3ereunoume, kai to terma olwn mas twn e3ereunisewn 8a'nai o topos ap'opou 3ekinisame..alla i diafora 8a einai oti gia prwti fora 8a katanooume auto ton topo"

-"If you wanna be with someone forever, you *have* to live forever" Vampire Diaries 1x11

-"Ελληνική ψυχή είναι να παλεύεις για αυτό που σε όλους τους άλλους φένεται ανώφελο ή ακατόρθωτο!"

Monday, 26 July 2010

Random post se mia vroxeri mera pou vrexei vroxi!!!!

"the thing that most people dont know is that if u get attacked by a demon and somehow/someway u manage to survive..ur starting to get some of its superhuman powers.."

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

g00d 0ld days

oh boy..

the picture bellow is from g00d (last year's) days when Morrow and Azabouke were still in our top team..

but sto klima aisiodo3ias pou epikratei sto blog mas (logo tou kalokairiou) apofasisame anti na valoume louketo sto site mas na alla3oume kateu8insi kai anti gia ena blog afierwmeno stous Warriors na ginoume ena blog pou 8a akolou8ei tous paixtes twn persinwn Warriors stis kainourgies tous omades(including k autous pou emeinan akoma in the team so in a way 8a eimaste kai twra ena blog kai gia tous Warriors!!!!)..

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Fave quote from LOST series finalle..

"to pio simantiko komati tis zwhs sou itane o xronos pou perases sto nisi me autous tous an8rwpous..giauto k vriskeste oloi edw simera..kaneis den ta katafernei monos tou Jack.."

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Oi antidraseis sunexizontai-pleon se morfi xionostivadas-!!!!!

Provlepw na peftoun polles fapes an den ginei kati *xtes* kiolas!!!!

Endeiktiko tou 3ulou pou 8a pesei einai to minima pou mas ir8e sto ilektroniko taxudromeio tou blog apo enan fanatiko-plin omws e3orgismeno- fan tis omadas!!!!!

"What? It’s not a question of whether we can match the offer of the New Jersey Nets. We can. If we WON’T match, it’s out of unbelievable cheapness and/or skull-crushing stupidity. $4M is not a lot of scratch for one of the greatest shooters in NBA history. Furthermore Morrow puts a huge amount of pressure on opposing defenses, he opens up the floor, he rebounds his position, he takes care of the ball, he’s a great kid with a great attitude and work ethic. He’s the perfect teammate. Curry clearly loves him. Nellie too. Not to mention basically 100% of Warriors nation!!!!"

Saturday, 10 July 2010


Sok eskase sta grafeia tou site mas me tin eidisi oti to poulen tou blog (Anthony Morrow) will probably been shown the door and leave the team!!!!!!!!

Gia na paroume ta pragmata aptin arxi ena thriller anef proigoumenou 3ekinise otan oi Warriors anakoinwsan proxtes tin metagrafi tou megalou star twn New York Knicks, David Lee, me 80 ekatomuria(!!!) dolaria stin omada!

O idios o Lee dilwse oti 8ewrei ton Morrow enan key player tis omadas alla ligo meta ir8e protasi 12 ekatomuriwn apo tous NJ Nets gia ton Morrow kai i omada edeixne etoimi na ton afisei na fugei afou den upirxan alla xrimata sto tameio!!!!

Meta omws apo poli kra3imo pou epese diaduktiaka apo tous fans stin dioikisi tis omadas fenetai oti tis teleutaies wres uparxei mia dia8esi epane3etasis tou 8ematos alla epeidi o Morrow einai free agent 8a prepei oi Warriors na tou dwsoun mia isi prosfora me auti twn New Jersey(pou simainei 12 ekatomuria akatevata!!!) mesa se mia dioria 7 imerwn alliws sumfwna me tous kanonismous tou NBA an i proigoumeni omada tou paixti(Warriors) den isofarisei tin oikonomiki prosfora tote o paixtis xanetai k anikei stin kainourgia omada pou ekane tin kaluteri prosfora!!!!!!!

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Alejandro LIVE!!!

..and exclusively

Monday, 28 June 2010

******SPOILER of the decade!!!!!*********

Meta apo 10 xronia kai more i omada stin opoia einai dedicated to blog mas alla3e emfanisi kai molis diereuse sto internet i prwti eikona mesw tou twitter tou poulen tou blog(Anthony Morrow)

EInai of course teleia(me tin gefyra tou San Fransisco at the center) kai i cant wait na tin agorasw..

Sunday, 20 June 2010

stylish song of the w€€k!!

brand new s0ng but with early 90's hairstyle!!! i just love it!!!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

World Cup Fever!!!

simera to blog epireasmeno apto klima tou Mountial 8a sas parousiasei tin pio a3iosimeiwti istoria pou diadramatistike pote stin sugkekrimeni diorganwsi!!

dld tin istoria enos podosfairisti pou ekane to "mpam" sto mountial tou 1990 kai o opoios emeine stin istoria ws "o podosfairistis me tin aprosdioristi ilikia"!!!!!!!!!

O logos gia ton Roger Milla tou Cameroon, o opoios skorare 3 krisima gkol to 1990 otan episimws eixe dilw8ei san 38 xronwn alla oi fimes(pou argotera epivevaiwse kai o idios) elegan oti itan arketa megaluteros aptin "episimi" ilikia tou!!!!

As paroume omws ta pragmata aptin arxi..

Sto Mountial tou 1982 pou egine stin Ispania, to Cameroon prokri8ike gia prwti fora sto Pagkosmio Kupelo exontas san center for tis ton empeiro aptin parousia tou sta Gallika gipeda Roger Milla o opoios katafere na skorarei malista enantiwn tis Italias sto sugkekrimeno Mountial!

Meta apo arketa xronia to Cameroon(sugkekrimena to 1990) vrisketai 3ana se teliki fasi Mountial kai o irwas tis istorias mas 8 xronia meta einai 3ana ekei!!! Opws eipame petuxainei 3 gkol kai sugkentrwnei oli tin dimosiotita panw tou logw tis proxwrimenis tou ilikias(egine o megaluteros se ilikia paixtis pou skorare se mountial!!)

Omws i istoria den stamata edw!!!!!!

To 1994 to mountial 8a gnwrize nea rekor dimotikotitas afou gia prwti fora 8a die3agwtan stis *glamourates" Hnwmenes Politeies tis Amerikis kai to Cameroon me kainourgia sun8esi 8a itan 3ana ekei 4 xronia meta tin epituxia tou stin Italia!

Entelws kainourgia sun8esi?

Oxi akrivws dioti enas paixtis apo ekeini tin omada agwnizetai akoma kai o opoios den einai allos apton Roger Milla!!!!

Malista mpainontas san allagi 8a kataferei na skorarei gia mia akoma fora se teliki fasi Mountial spazontas(apo ton euato tou!!!) to rekor tou megaluterou se ilikia paixti pou skorarei se Mountial!!!!!

Saturday, 5 June 2010

summer m0ved 0n

moments will pass..
up until the first morning light i had found out..
that feelings can't last..
and theres just 0ne thing left to ask..............

Friday, 28 May 2010

quote of the week

"opoios prospa8ei gia to akator8wto petuxainei to kalutero dunato.." ;)

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Song Of The Mon8

To b-side sto legendary single twn Editors, "Racing Rats"!!!!!

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Sunday, 16 May 2010

song dedicated ston iosifin0uko (h)

"life is all about chasing what u really want..bcoz when it c0mes d0wn to it u sh0uld be proud of the decisions u made"

Friday, 14 May 2010

80s rulezzzzzz

woohooooooooooo! i just heart the 80s!!!

i teleutaia "ali8ini" epoxi prin tin eisvoli twn pc, twn iPod, iPhone, iPad kai ai-Sixtir!!!!

e, ma pia mas ta kanate mpalonia me ola ta i-something(useless!)

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Monday, 10 May 2010

pote den einai arga gia na ginei ak0ma kaluteri i New York.. :p

proeidopoiw tous tzompanides ekei sto new york oti an den dextoun tin idea mou(opws fenetai sto katw8i apospasma tou msn chat) 8a tin dwsw sto Dubai..

kai tote as 3exasoun gia panta ton tourismo tous..